PS 165 - Queens
70-35 150 Street
Flushing NY 11367
(718) 263-4004
This site and pages are NOT affiliated with the school nor the school
Our new Photo Album
We want to compile a database of PS 165 alumni,
especially from the early years. Did you know that Fran
Drescher of The Nanny is an alum? How about Ellen
Barkin (Diner, The Big Easy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and more)?
Early class pictures of both to be added shortly.
I want to find these people ... email me
if you are a classmate or know of one. Let's compile an email list and get in
touch. Maybe a reunion? This is the 50 year anniversary of PS 165!
Click on a thumbnail to see the enlarged picture.
Help with names gladly accepted! Names in GREEN
are people we have found so far.
Kindergarten - 1963 (me, second row from top,
far right) |
By row, top to bottom (help!!!!, this is the only class I
don't remember names but most of these kids did not continue with me. Why,
I don't know)
Allen Gibson, xx, xx, xx, Jeff Kornreich,
Ellen Finger,
xx, xx, xx
xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, Craig Haller
xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx
Cindy Tomback, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx, xx,
Florence Fritze, xx
xx, xx, David Parks, Larry(?) x, Ira Ruderman, xx |
1st grade - 1964 (Student teacher pinched my butt just before the picture was taken,
where is she now?!) |
Teacher - Mrs. Leah Krede (left)
Student Teacher - I want to find!
Standing between teachers: xx, Ronald Cohen, Craig
Standing: xx, xx, xx, Donna Hasbrouck, xx, Elliot
Davis, xx, Neil Cohen, xx, David Parks
left to right from front: June Cantor, Carrie Rothburd, xx, Lisa
Alcott, xx,
Steve Wichman, xx, xx, Meryl Perl, xx, Ruben
Perlmutter, Ellen Finger, xx, xx, xx |
2nd grade - 1965 |
Teacher - Charna Bennett (left)
standing: Zina x, Lynn Wientraub, Meryl
Perl, Valerie Cohen,
Randy x, Hal Cohen, xx, Rubin
Pearlmutter, Craig Haller, Steven
left to right from front: Lisa
Alcott, Donna Hasbrouck, Yvette Kane, David Robbins, David Parks,
xx, Ira Ruderman, xx, Neil Cohen, Elliot Davis, Toby Flaum,
Ellen Finger, Donna Landon, Andre x, Jeff Kornriech |
3rd grade - 1966 (standing, third from left) |
Teacher - Frieda Isenberg
standing:David Parks, Michael Kraft, Craig
Haller, Mark
Newmark, Hal Cohen, Jeff Kornreich, Andre x, Ronald Cohen,
Barry Botfeld,
Steve Wichman, Joseph Liebler
left to right from front: Neil Cohen, Elliot Davis,
David Schmutter; xx, Valerie Cohen, Young Oh, Lori Needle, xx,Yvette Kane; Ellen Finger, Lynn Wientraub, Toby Flaum, Zina Stevenson, Lisa
Allcott, Meryl Perl, Donna Landon, Donna Hasbrouck, Randi x (Ellen Rothstein?). |
4th grade - 1967 |
Teacher - Frances Benassi
standing, back: Andre x, xx, Ronald Cohen; standing: David
Schmutter, Mark Romeo, David Robbins, xx, Barry
Bottfield, Andrea Bergstein, Valerie
Cohen, Mark Newmark, Craig Haller, John Glasser, Steve Wichman, Elliot
Sitting front left to right: Yeong Oh, Yvette
Nora Sherman(?);
xx, xx, xx; Lisa Alcott, Toby Flaum,
Lynn Weintraub; Ellen
xx, Meryl Perl |
5th grade - 1968 |
Teacher - Beatrice Feder
Standing: Mark Romeo, Barry
Botfeld, John Glasser, Craig
Haller, Mark Newmark, xx, Andrea Bergstein, Larry Carter, Lynn
Lisa Alcott,
Joe Liebler, David Robins, Robert Kraft (?), Steve Wichman, xx
Sitting front, left to right: xx, David Schmutter, Adela
Stelzer, xx, Toby Flaum,
Yvette Kane, Meryl Perl, xx, Neil Cohen (?),
Elliot Davis, xx, Ellen Finger, xx, xx, Yeong Oh |
6th grade - 1969-70
If I had not moved, this would have been my class (I believe). Thanks to
Joe Liebler for sending it along! Color, wow! And who is that teacher? |
Teacher - ??